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Книга Breakfast at Tiffany's. Автор - Truman Capote (Penguin)

360 ₴

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Книга Breakfast at Tiffany's. Автор - Truman Capote (Penguin)
Книга Breakfast at Tiffany's. Автор - Truman Capote (Penguin)Немає в наявності
360 ₴
+380 (97) 288-85-65
  • +380 (66) 090-75-92
  • +380 (63) 100-37-04
+380 (97) 288-85-65
  • +380 (66) 090-75-92
  • +380 (63) 100-37-04
Законом не передбачено повернення та обмін даного товару належної якості


A beautifully designed edition of Truman Capote & # 39; s & nbsp; dazzling New York novel & nbsp; Breakfast at Tiffany & # 39; s , which inspired the classic +1961 film starring Audrey Hepburn

& # 39; What I & # 39; ve found does the most good is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany & # 39; s. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits ... & # 39;

Meet Holly Golightly - a free spirited, lop-sided romantic girl about town. With her tousled blond hair and upturned nose, dark glasses and chic black dresses, Holly is a style sensation wherever she goes. Her apartment rocks to Martini-soaked parties and she plays hostess to millionaires and gangsters alike. Yet Holly never loses sight of her ultimate dream - to find a real life place like Tiffany & # 39; s that makes her feel at home.

Full of sharp wit and exuberant, larger-than-life characters which vividly capture the restless, madcap era of 1940s New York , Breakfast at Tiffany & # 39; s & nbsp; will make you fall in love, perhaps for the first time, with a book.

& # 39; A master writer ... makes the heart sing and the narrative fly & # 39; & nbsp; The New York Times

& # 39; The most romantic story ever written & # 39; Alex James, & nbsp; Guardian

& # 39; One of the century & # 39; s greatest storytellers & # 39; & nbsp; Independent on Sunday

Країна виробникВеликобританія
Вид палітуркиМ'який
Рік видання2011
Кількість сторінок176
Тип поверхні паперуМатова
Тип поліграфічного паперуОфсетний
Мова виданняАнглійська
Користувацькі характеристики
видавництвоPenguin Random House
Інформація для замовлення
  • Ціна: 360 ₴

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